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Christian Persecution Abroad And At Home

Recently, Lindsey Lohan has gone public about her recent calling to Islam. In an interview, Lohan explains how she fled the U.S. due to the persecution she experienced by Americans.

This victimization of Muslims portrayed by the left seems to be a rather frequent occurrence. When Bill Maher questioned the morality of the Islamic religion after the 911 attacks, Ben Affleck (fake Batman) went nuts stating, "you can't just paint all muslims with the same brush". This political correctness has gotten so bad to the point that President Obama can't even force the words, "Radical Islamic Terrorists" out of his mouth. President Obama goes even further and decides to call Islam "a religion of peace". What a joke.

This constant victimization of Muslims has blinded people of the true victims, Christians.

Just recently, 250 christian children were killed at the hands of ISIS. These kids weren't given quick deaths either, they were tortured. The children were reportedly burned in ovens, crushed in meat grinders, hung on meathooks, you name it. In the recent anti-terror attack on Mosul, kids were reportedly used as human shields by ISIS in order to ward off the invaders. Just this morning, over 20 kids were killed in retaliation of the death of an ISIS commander. All of these deaths were in the name of Islam. Why does the left choose to ignore this?

Islam is one of the most intolerant religions out there. In a German refugee camp, there have been over 700 reported cases of Christian suppression at the hands of the Muslim refugees. These Muslim refugees were reportedly assaulting and threatening the fellow Christian refugees at the camp due to their religious diversion. If you think this is bad, try wearing a YAMAKA in France. You will be cursed at, spat on, and even threatened. The famous rock artist Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam is seen in the public eye as a peaceful Islamic icon. People tend to forget that this man called for the death of author Salman Rushdie after he apparently defamed the prophet Muhammed. Yusuf Islam, like many other Muslims, justify their violence because it is called for in the Quran.

Its not just Muslims who are intolerant of Catholics however, recent WikiLeaks have shown intolerance of Catholics by our very own political figures.

Clintons campaign chair John Podesta and other aids to the Clinton campaign are exposed in Wikileaks leaked emails demeaning and offending all Catholics and Christians. Here are just a few of their own words:

Christians are not only persecuted over-seas, they are persecuted here at home.

While persecution here in the U.S. is much different, it still exists. I think everyone is familiar with the Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding because it went against his Christian values. Unfortunately, this man was brought to court and forced by the government to contribute to a wedding that went against his religious belief. The left has no problem with this type of government intervention unless they start banning Burkas in countries like France. The persecution doesn't stop their. The left now feels the need to silence our religious expressions. They have pushed for taking prayer out of schools, "In God we trust" off the coin, "Merry" out of Christmas, and the word "God" out of our very own pledge of allegiance. America was founded on Judeo- Christian values and the left now feels the need to secularize everything we say.

I'm disgusted by the fact that Lindsey Lohan thinks Americans (who are mostly Christian) are the ones being intolerant of her beliefs. She'd rather be in a place like the middle-east where Muslims are blowing each other up. I hope that people do one thing this election, vote for someone who is going to respect religions of ALL kinds. Someone who is going to protect that religion when they are silenced, threatened, and even killed.

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