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Trump Won Now What?

Upset of the the century! I know that all Trump supporters claimed that Trump would win in a landslide and that he had this election in the bag the entire time, but come on! I don't think any of us actually thought that Donald could actually pull it off. Trump has a funny way of proving everyone wrong and defying all odds. The question is, now that Trump has won, what is next for this movement.

The message of this movement was clear from the very beginning, holding politicians accountable and taking back our country. This movement was about fighting corruption and reminding Washington that the people are still in control of the United States. That the government works for us, we do not work for them. Now that the movement has given us the result we wanted where do we go?

We need to make sure we hold Trump accountable. As before you jump to conclusions about what I mean when I say this let me explain. We cannot be hypocritical and let Trump govern this country without holding him accountable for his actions. We need to hold him to his promises and the contract he made with the American people. We are not undermining him, we are reminding him. The point of this movement was not to elect someone who was all talk, it was to elect someone who was all action. To keep this movement going it relies solely on the American people holding our government responsible. Shrinking our government and making it what it used to be. A government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We need to be critical of Trump if and when he is not keeping him promises he made to us. We need to make sure that he is doing what we elected him to do. We cannot let him get lazy we need to make sure he is active. If we do not do all we can to make sure that he continues to fight for us, than we are just as bad as the person we have defeated. The hypocritical America that puts its blind faith into a candidate is behind us. I am calling on all Americans to work together to ensure our government is working for us. That is how it is meant to be. This movement is only as strong as its supporters and we need to be sure to practice what we preach.

We may have won the battle. A very big battle against a dangerous opponent. However, we cannot get lazy because that is how corruption and manipulation are created. Freedom is only maintained by continuous effort and fighting for what we believe. To roll over and put blind trust in any candidate is so incredibly dangerous that it damages the very basis this country was founded on.

BE active. BE critical. BE determined. This is YOUR government. This is YOUR country.

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