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Amy Schumer: The best thing to ever happen to Trump Supporters

Amy Schumer's active involvement in the election was one of the best things that could ever happen to Donald Trumps campaign. That's right, the obnoxious liberal Amy Schumer who has called Mr. Trump literally every name in the book is unknowingly one of Trumps biggest advocates.

Although my hate for Amy Schumer started from the time I saw her first standup routine, Schumer's recent showing in Tampa, Florida has me convinced that she is literally the worst. On October 17, 2016 Amy Schumer called up a Trump supporter from her audience and attempted to humiliate him for his political views. Not to my surprise, Schumer called Trump a bunch of names and utterly failed at coming up with one valid reason as to why you shouldn't vote for Trump. The audience wasn't having it either. Over 200 participants who went to the show with the purpose of listening to "comedy" left the event early with feelings of disappointment and resent. It doesn't stop there. A few days later, Schumer issued a sarcastic apology to the participants of the event stating that she will be going "to a rehab facility" that will teach her "how to make all people happy."

Although the liberals love a classic celebrity endorsement, they don't even want to be associated with Amy Schumer. Throughout the years, Schumer has made it apparent to her audience that she is a "feminist". However, Schumer is one of the worst people to fight on behalf of woman's rights. Having a celebrity who describes her farting, burping, and one night stands isn't going to help people hold woman to a higher standard like most feminists strive for. This is also the lady who has told the media, "“I enjoy playing the girl who time to time says the dumbest thing possible". If feminist want to be taken seriously for once, they are going to have to do better then this.

Schumer is also a huge advocate of racial equality and feels she has the authority to call Trump a racist. Ironically, Schumer's parody of Beyonce's "Formation" video has been accused of mocking the African culture. Schumer has also taken heat from Hispanics after her comment, "I used to date hispanics, now I prefer consensual". You know she's desperate for jokes when she feels the need to offend every race on this planet.

On a non-political note, I saw a picture of Amy Schumer at the World Series game wearing a cubs hat. This seems kind of strange considering she was born and raised in New York. So not only is Amy Schumer a terrible political icon, she is also a bandwagon fan. I think this just proves that Schumer wiling to do anything in order to be on par with the status quo.

My best advice to Amy Schumer: If she truly wanted to make an impact on a campaign, she is better off shutting her mouth. I think a two year old could listen to her and understand that she knows nothing about what she is talking about. Schumer is unbelievably naive and shockingly unintelligent. She lives in a different galaxy and she is so far distanced from reality it is almost sad. In most cases when I'm presented with an individual who is this incredibly uneducated and stupid I begin to feel bad, but Schumer is the exception. I feel no sympathy for this idiot. Amy we aren't laughing with you, we are laughing at you.

If you haven't seen the video yet check it out here:

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