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Elizabeth Warren is The Worst

Elizabeth Warren is the worst. I know what most of you are thinking " She can't be that bad". Well let me tell you something folks, she is. Elizabeth Warren is the personification of every hypocritical thought that has ever crossed your mind. Chances are that everyone who is reading this is more intelligent than Elizabeth Warren. I knew from the moment I heard her voice that this woman was the worst and let me tell you why.

I was ready to put Elizabeth Warren and her unmatched stupidity behind me until her comments to Donald Trump's remark at the debate where Trump muttered: "What a nasty woman". Of course this would lead Elizabeth Warren to make these unbelievably ridiculous and annoying remarks at a Clinton rally.

Caution: Video Contains Disturbing Noises

Come on Elizabeth Really? You want to know what I think is nasty about you? The fact that you tried to paint yourself as a Native American. Elizabeth you are as white as they come, your not a Native American and wouldn't you say it is a bit offensive to Native Americans for you to claim otherwise?

Okay Elizabeth now lets talk about your disturbing political views

“We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.”

Okay so your going to say this and then turn around and endorse Hillary Clinton? Wall street has all but endorsed Clinton. They have donated directly to Clinton's campaign as well as to the super Pac backing Hillary. Or should we talk about Goldman Sachs and Hillary's secret speeches? Hillary is the candidate of Wall Street. Good work Warren, your the worst.

“We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.”

Come on Elizabeth. Like it or not, you are not meant to have a career in the fast food industry or any field where the only requirements to your job are being a human being and the ability to replace napkins. It would only make sense that instead of trying to create a more ambitious country you would try to create one where we are satisfied working at McDonald's our entire lives. Good work Warren, your the worst.

Elizabeth Warren once claimed that if she had her way the minimum wage would be 22 dollars and hour. Are you kidding me Warren. Here is the deal with minimum wage for all of you that don't understand. A company cannot pay someone less than they are worth for competitive reasons. If they did than they would lose all their employee's to other business. Now as true as that is, a company cannot pay someone more than they are worth to the company because it would not be able to be financial viable. Good work Warren, your the worst.

I just can't understand this woman. Now before any of you try to smear me as a sexist for disagreeing with a woman lets get something straight. I don't dislike Warren because she is a woman, I dislike her because she is the most incompetent shallow women I have ever listened to. Her political views are unreasonable especially those regarding minimum wage.

Warren claims to be a champion of the low income Americans in this country. This could not be more of a hypocritical stance. Warren trying to be the voice of low income Americans is like a cheetah being the voice of all gazelles in the savannah. Warren was estimated in 2015 to be worth between 3.7 to 10 million. She is literally part of the 1% she criticizes. You won't hear this from Warren though. Instead you will hear the unrealistic ideas about free college for all and how the big bad government has wronged poor people.

She claims the government is screwing the lower class but she is responsible time after time for expanding government and creating more government dependence. It is for this reason that I despise this woman.

Elizabeth Warren, you are the absolute worst.

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